Tool Suite Tool Suite

LFM, short for “”, consists of a suite of tools and APIs, written in Go, to interact unofficially with the API and Discord Rich Presence.

Composing Elements

The LFM suite consists of 3 elements:

  • lfm-api is a Go package that provides an interface to interact with the API, allowing you to retrieve information about a users recent scrobbles, without the need for an API key.
  • lfm-cli is a command-line interface implementing lfm-api to have the active scrobble displayed on Discord Rich Presence.
  • lfm-gui is a graphical user interface that allows you to view your recent scrobbles and have the active scrobble displayed on Discord Rich Presence.


  • Simple, easy-to-use API allowing for easy integration with other projects.
  • Scheduler to update the active scrobble every 10 seconds, by default.
  • Ability to control and customize every aspect of the Discord Rich Presence, including whether to include the album cover, loved indication, timestamps, persistent scrobble, and more.
  • Follows a fully asynchronous programming model, allowing for the GUI to remain responsive while the API fetches data.

Additional Information

See the documentation homepage for more information on how to use the LFM suite.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.